1.      Irregular, spasmodic, involuntary movements of the limbs or facial muscles, often accompanied by hypotonia. The location of the responsible cerebral lesion is not known.
2.      Syn: Sydenham's chorea.
[L. fr. G. choreia, a choral dance, fr. choros, a dance]
acanthocytosis with chorea
acute chorea
benign familial chorea
chronic progressive chorea
chorea cordis
dancing chorea
degenerative chorea
chorea dimidiata
electric chorea
fibrillary chorea
chorea gravidarum
habit chorea
hemilateral chorea
Henoch's chorea
hereditary chorea
Huntington's chorea
hysterical chorea
juvenile chorea
laryngeal chorea
chorea major
mimetic chorea
chorea minor
Morvan's chorea
posthemiplegic chorea
procursive chorea
rheumatic chorea
rhythmic chorea
saltatory chorea
senile chorea
Sydenham's chorea